Xanax (alprazolam) is a benzodiazepine. This class of drug works by depressing the central nervous system and increasing the effects of GABA. GABA is a neurotransmitter that has a calming effect on the nervous system.

When taken as prescribed, Xanax provides relief from symptoms like nervousness, excessive worry and panic attacks.

Addiction can develop, however, often with the following occurring:

  • Tolerance: Regularly using Xanax can lead to tolerance, so bigger doses are needed to get the same effects. As your tolerance increases, you might find you’re taking larger doses or using Xanax more often to get the level of relief or effects you desire.
  • Physical dependence: Ongoing Xanax use leads to physical dependence for many people, so your body is adapted to the drug, and if you don’t take it, you go through withdrawal symptoms. Xanax withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, tremors, sweating, insomnia and, in severe cases, seizures.
  • Psychological dependence: Psychological dependence occurs with Xanax use as well and can make you feel like you emotionally rely on it to deal with negative emotions like stress or anxiety. Your use can become compulsive because you might feel like you can’t manage your life or function without it.
  • Misuse: If Xanax is abused for its sedative effects or to feel euphoria, it raises the risk of not only an addiction developing but can also lead to an overdose. Overdose risk is especially high when Xanax is used at the same time as other depressants like opioids or alcohol.
  • Co-occurring mental health disorders: Xanax is frequently prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, and these may co-occur with other mental health disorders like depression. If you have a mental health disorder, you may be at a higher risk of Xanax addiction because you might use it to self-medicate the symptoms you’re dealing with.

Xanax addiction can develop gradually over time because of several key factors, including tolerance, physical and psychological dependence, recreational abuse, and co-occurring psychiatric disorders.

What Is Evidence-Based Xanax Addiction Treatment?

If you recognize the signs of addiction or dependence in yourself or someone you love, an evidence-based addiction treatment program is critical. Evidence-based treatment means the use of approaches proven effective through clinical trials and research.

Evidence-based Xanax addiction treatment approaches include:

  • Medically supervised detoxification: Detoxification or detox is a process where Xanax is removed from your body safely, and withdrawal symptoms are managed. If you have a Xanax dependence or you’re at risk of dangerous withdrawal symptoms like seizures, this is a critical step in the addiction treatment process. In a medical detox, you’re under the supervision of healthcare professionals who can use medicines to help your symptoms and ensure a safe and more comfortable detox experience.
  • Behavioral therapies: Once you’ve safely completed detox and your body is free from Xanax and other toxins, behavioral therapy becomes a cornerstone of your addiction treatment. The focus is on changing your harmful thoughts, behaviors and emotions that are associated with substance use. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the most widely used behavioral therapies for Xanax addiction, but there are other approaches as well.
  • Contingency management: Along with CBT, contingency management is another behavioral therapy approach that utilizes positive reinforcement to remain abstinent from Xanax. In a contingency management program, you receive incentives or rewards for meeting specific treatment goals.
  • Support groups and peer support: In a formal addiction treatment program, you’ll often start to get comfortable with the support group model, and then you can continue with that in your recovery once you return home. Peer support and participation in support groups can keep you motivated and accountable and give you a sense of social support, reducing isolation.
  • Aftercare and relapse prevention: Recovering from Xanax addiction is an ongoing process requiring long-term support. Once you complete the initial treatment, you can participate in aftercare programs. These can include therapy, support group meetings, medication management if needed and sober living arrangements. You’ll also work on a formal relapse prevention plan in a treatment program.

Evidence-based treatments can be tailored to meet your specific needs and preferences as you’re seeking recovery from Xanax. A comprehensive treatment approach is usually best, including strategies, ongoing support, and monitoring.

Inpatient Xanax Addiction Treatment

For many people struggling with Xanax addiction, the best first step in the recovery process is an inpatient program. During inpatient treatment for Xanax addiction, you receive the benefits of a structured environment where you live onsite. You’re to create a routine centered around a predictable schedule, including group meetings, therapy, and holistic and recreational activities.

As you participate in inpatient treatment, you build healthy habits, establish routines, and focus on your recovery goals.

You have medical supervision from professionals who can monitor your mental and physical health, and an inpatient treatment program offers the chance to participate in a variety of interventions to address the emotional and psychological aspects of addiction.

You work with trained counselors and therapists to explore underlying issues that contributed to Xanax addiction in the first place, learn coping skills and build skills to prevent relapse.

If you have a dual diagnosis that includes another mental health disorder along with addiction, you can receive treatment for this in an inpatient program at the same time. An integrated treatment approach improves outcomes by addressing all aspects of your well-being.

Depending on your needs, inpatient treatment might include life skills training so you can learn what’s needed to navigate your day-to-day life following treatment.

Inpatient Xanax addiction treatment in Los Angeles also includes aftercare planning to support you as you return home and to your community.

The benefits of professional treatment for Xanax addiction include safety during detox, customized treatment plans and the availability of various evidence-based interventions. You have support and accountability as you move toward long-term recovery as well.

After you complete inpatient treatment, you might then move on to outpatient treatment options, which offer more flexibility as you continue to work on your recovery.

Xanax Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles

If you’d like to learn more about Xanax addiction treatment or take the first step, contact Invigorate Behavioral Health today.

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